
Friday, December 10, 2010

"Jus orange" A.K.A Orange, apple and carrot juice

One of my favourite ways to get fruit and vegetables in the monster is "juices". I use the term juice lightly here as they are really more like a smoothie. We have a house rule that the only juice the monster is allowed to have are my smoothies. This way he does not fill up on sugary drinks that do not have any fibre in them. One of our house favourites is "jus orange" (translated 'orange juice' -- for its colour). My best description for the flavour of this smoothie is an orange popsicle or creamsicle. If your child likes popsicles, try freezing the juice in popsicle moulds.

"Jus Orange" - makes one serving

2 cubes carrots (thawed)
1 cup diced fresh apples (peels removed) - you can also use frozen apples, just thaw them out first
1/2 cup real orange juice (like Tropicana or Happy Planet)

Combine all ingredients in a jar or the cup that comes with your immersion blender; then blend with immersion blender until smooth. If smoothie is too thick, just add a little more orange juice or water to thin it out.

To serve, I give my son a sippy bottle full, with a few ice cubes, and let him drink it throughout the day. When he is not drinking it, I store the bottle in the fridge and give it to him whenever he asks for his juice.

Nutritional Information:
Approximately 2 1/2 fruit servings
Approximately 1 vegetable serving

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